Historic Timeline
The beginning (1906 -1912)

Source: https://thewardproject.omeka.net/
J. W. Lyon (1848-1933) purchased 400 acres of land in the St. Patrick’s Ward and offered 12-16 acres of land free of charge to industries willing to locate in Guelph.
The International Malleable Iron Company (IMICO)

Source: Guelph Civic Museum, Catalogue Number: 1991X.51.1
Lyon’s plan attracted the Illinois Malleable Iron Company out of Chicago to open a foundry at the intersection of Stevenson and Beverley Streets. The foundry, the International Malleable Iron Company (IMICO), opened in 1912 by the Carver family, and operated as an iron-jobbing facility for the production of various metallic forms using grey malleable and ductile iron.
Demise of IMICO
IMICO management walked away from a number of debts and reputedly abandoned the site including the machinery and tools. Ending a 77-year run.
A number of persons claimed ownership of the property. On July 1994 the MOECC’s Director issued an Order to all previous owners to clean the site.
New Owner (the City of Guelph)
The entire property ownership was transferred to the City of Guelph as consideration for the nonpayment of taxes. The City of Guelph became responsible to fulfilling the MOECC’s Director’s Order of 1994.
19 Years in Positioning
Between 1998 to 2016 the City of Guelph generated numerous studies and plans (at least 9), demolished all buildings on the site and removed heavily contaminated soils, commissioned two rounds of Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessment studies (2007 and 2014), issued 3 rounds of Expression of Interest to market the site to investors and developers, and council passed 7 resolutions pertaining the site.
New Dawn
March 22, 2016 ARQi R&D Inc. submitted an unsolicited Expression of Interest to the City of Guelph to develop the 200 Beverley Street property as an Urban Village which includes residential, commercial, green spaces.
City Endorses ARQi's EOI
May 2016, Guelph City Council endorses by 13:0 ARQi’s Expression of Interest.
Memorandum of Understanding
December 2016, the City Council endorsed the Memorandum of Understanding among ARQi, the City of Guelph and Habitat for Humanity WDG (the opponents). The MOU outlines development principles, scope, and parties’ responsibilities. ARQi is designated as ARQi will act as the master developer, builder, and planner for the property. The MOU was executed on January 1, 2017.
Planning and Environmental Activities
The City—as the current owner—is responsible for the environmental studies to get to filing the record of site condition and remediation and risk assessment. It retained CH2M Hill Consultant to complete the required investigation to get the record of site condition (RSC) in support of the potential redevelopment of the site from industrial to residential land use.
Meanwhile, ARQi R&D Inc., as the master developer, has begun preparing a master plan. With the City’s support, ARQi also initiated a community engagement and master planning process for the site.
Community Engagement
The first Community Meeting was held on January 23, 2018 to offer an update on the environmental study and to learn about the planning process that will culminate with an Urban Design Master Plan. Ten development planning principles were introduced to the community for discussion. It is envisioned that the prepared UDMP will serve as the master planning document upon which ARQi will rely on to propose designs for the site development and make applications to the City of Guelph for the purpose of obtaining Zoning By-Law and Official Plan Amendments and Site Plan Applications for an “Urban Village” on 200 Beverley Street.
Development Planning Principles
ARQi's Planning Presentation 1
ARQi’s Planning Presentation at First Community Meeting on January 23, 2018
ARQi's Planning Presentation 2
ARQi’s Planning Presentation at the Second Community Meeting on June 19, 2018